-10%Code RDM10 until 01/06/2024

Small insulated backpack for lunch


No more need to carry your meals around with you on a daily basis. With this small insulated backpack, you will be able to carry your lunch more easily. This carry bag is the ideal accessory to keep your food cool.

The insulated inner lining will keep your food and drinks cool for hours. The spacious main compartment has a secure zip and offers enough space to carry a full meal.

We guarantee :

  • Delivery with follow-up in the United States
  • Customer service available 6/7
  • 14 days money back guarante


Backpack size


Simplicity and comfort

This insulated backpack will suit everyone. Children, women and men can wear it to carry their daily lunch or meal for a picnic. Lightweight and compact, it is easy and comfortable to carry. This small insulated lunch backpack is the perfect companion for your lunch. Made from durable, waterproof fabric, it has a double layer of foam insulation that will keep your food warm or cool for up to 4 hours.

Polyester durable

This small insulated lunch backpack is perfect for those who like to take their lunch with them wherever they go. Made from durable polyester, it has an insulated lining that keeps food warm and cool for hours. The zipped front pocket provides extra space for utensils and other accessories, while the adjustable shoulder strap makes carrying the backpack a breeze. The backpack also has a waterproof coating to protect it from the elements and splashes.

Frequently asked questions

Here are our delivery times (on average):

We process the order within 24 hours, then depending on availability, your order is shipped within 72 hours. Our packages usually arrive within 8 business days, but the maximum time is 15 business days.

You will receive notification emails to let you know where your package is so you can track it with peace of mind.

The entire manufacturing cycle of our backpacks is continuously monitored by the professionals of our partner workshop to ensure the highest possible quality.

We only have a few hours to make address changes. If there is an error in your delivery address, please contact us by e-mail and inform us of the correct delivery address as soon as possible. A wrong delivery address may cause the delivery to be made to a different location than desired or prevent it. We will not be held responsible in these cases.

The status ‘Completed’ means that your package has already gone through all the internal procedures and is already with the carrier. This means that your package is in transit to be delivered to you as soon as possible!

Sometimes the tracking takes a few days to update, but don’t worry. Your package is in transit to be delivered to you as soon as possible!

Unfortunately, for the moment, our after-sales service only works by e-mail.

In the case of a refusal of the parcel, in the case where the carrier is not able to return the parcel or that you are not able to prove the return of the parcel: fees will be deducted from your refund.

We ship mostly from China.

Our delivery time is usually 8 business days, but the maximum is 15 business days. If you do not receive your package within the stipulated time, please contact us so that we can reship your package at no extra cost, if necessary, or offer you compensation options for the delay. Your package is considered delivered if no contact is made with us within 45 days of your order. Refunds will no longer be possible under this condition.

Additional information





< 20 liters

