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Connected Backpack Advantages And Disadvantages

Connected backpack: Advantages and disadvantages

High-Tech specialists are designing more and more sophisticated objects on the market to facilitate the use of interconnectable tools. Indeed, these connected devices make the use of smartphones and other smart devices and accessories more convenient. One of these connected objects is the connected backpack. What is it really for and what is its impact on the user?

Connected object: Definition and specificities

The term ” connected object ” refers to an ordinary tool or device that can be linked to interact with another using a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi network (this is called theInternet of Things). Today, we find among cell phone brands, headphones, watches and bracelets connected to smartphones/tablets through these networks.

These connected objects are usually equipped with :

  • sensors to collect information ;
  • an electronic card to process the data banks ;
  • and a communication device as it is the case for phones.

Connected devices are widely used in the field of piloting and security. You will find drones remotely controlled via smartphone through a Wi-Fi connection. In addition, alarm systems that can be activated from a mobile application can secure motorcycles, cars, doors, apartments and more.

Today, the most widespread connected tools are watches, smart TVs and voice assistants (widely used in the medical field). All this is possible thanks to networks and other means of connection.

Un Homme Qui Porte Un Sac À Dos Connecté

Uses, Features and Functions of a Connected Backpack

Digital addicts and technology enthusiasts will find real value in exploring connected leather goods, as it makes using smart devices easy and more convenient. Thanks to the connected bag, users of the latest generation phones no longer have a problem charging their phones. They have constant access to Wi-Fi wherever they are.

Most of the connected bag models include a Wi-Fi connection box that supports at least 5 devices simultaneously. They also have a charging battery that typically ranges from 18,000 mAh to 30,000 mAh and charging cables (Android and Apple) to charge your phone. Some models of connected backpacks have a speaker and built-in USB ports.

At the base, the backpack is connected to your cell phone via Bluetooth. As the distance between you and the bag increases, you will receive SMS or alarm notifications on your phone. Also note that it is equipped with a geolocation function that will allow you to locate it in case of loss.

Thanks to the integrated GPS tracker, your connected backpack records the routes and distances covered. It has multiple compartments for your gadgets, computer, tablet and other accessories to carry.

In terms of look, the connected backpack differs only slightly from one brand to another. On the other hand, it has the advantage of being quite classy, resistant due to its armored and reinforced shell, which justifies the price ranges recorded on e-commerce sites. From 150 euros, you can have a good quality connected backpack.

Positioning of the consumer community in relation to the connected backpack

Hundreds of individuals around the world order this product online due to the fact that it is so convenient, especially those who frequently take short trips or those who like to go hiking. Thanks to the bag’s multiple compartments, they store their various electronic tools and don’t have to worry about their phones going dead.

Despite all these positive aspects, others seem less interested and do not intend to appropriate this type of device.

In light of this bipolarization of choices, one has to wonder if, apart from the advantages and attributes that the connected backpack possesses, would there be any negative consequences for users or others?

Sac À Dos Connecté Noir Avec Un Chapeau

Benefits of using the connected backpack

Mentioning the usefulness, features and functionalities of the connected backpack, we immediately see advantages of this object. Sportsmen and women use it, as well as professionals in the administration, people who work and who have to travel long distances from one side to the other.

They manage to charge their phone on the go and at any time. Thanks to the bag’s built-in Wi-Fi, they can also stay connected to the Internet and exchange with their friends, family and colleagues. Users can safely store valuables in the bag, as in case of theft, they will be able to track the bag via the bag’s specific mobile app .

Some parents buy it for their children in order to easily geolocate them without them even knowing it. Plus, it’s a time-saving tool as well. If you don’t want to spend an hour at home waiting for your phone’s battery to charge, you can simply take your connected backpack and plug your smartphone into it while on the go.

Some people use it only because of its elegance and don’t take advantage of its connection and interconnection features.

For whatever reason, using an interconnected backpack can be beneficial.

Disadvantages of using a connected backpack

As far as potential adverse health effects are concerned, many people mention the inconvenience to human health. Let’s remember that from a health point of view, it is not advisable to carry objects that produce magnetic waves. And when we realize that the connected backpack has a Wi-Fi system that works anywhere, we become skeptical.

Also, having a rechargeable battery on your back, especially in the summer season, would not be a good practice, considering the impact of the sun’s rays on the battery.

As for the possibility of using your connected bag in winter season, be aware that you may be limited in cases where you do not provide a cover for you and your bag at the same time.

Sac À Dos Connecté Sur Une Table

Connected backpack: What do you say?

Certainly, these limitations and consequences are enough to make the connected backpack displeasing to many, and even appear dangerous. Nevertheless, it remains an interesting product that could be offered to oneself and even as a gift. At least, that’s what many satisfied users think. What about you? What do you think about it?

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